Fundo lig/desl

Help a newbie day

21 Dia 709, 14:23 Publicado em USA USA

As a country, we have massive untapped potential. In no other area of the game do we fail more than player retention. I haven't looked at the data recently, but last I checked we had over 13,000 privates. I would venture a guess that around 11,

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Democratic Party Endorsements

17 Dia 704, 17:27 Publicado em USA USA

Full list of recommendations: here

I've just finished reading every single platform I could find. I have a master list of congress … ler mais »

The new player FAQ

26 Dia 699, 17:20 Publicado em USA USA

I know Emerick attempted to and/or did something like this a while ago, but I'm going to give it another shot. It's probably been done ad infinitum, but it's worth a shot, eh?

Mandatory a😛 This article is based on a game mechanics

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Party Presidency

22 Dia 693, 17:24 Publicado em USA USA

I take a short break from my new players series for a breaking news announcement:

I'm running for the Democratic Party Presidency.

... but it's really not that big of a deal. What does a non-top 5 Party President do, really? Not much,

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New Players: How to get involved (part 1)

23 Dia 688, 14:10 Publicado em USA USA

I've seen a lot of players complain and then quit because they don't have anything to do. And you know what? That's a very legitimate complaint. Unless you know what you're doing, it's hard to have fun in this game. It's almost built

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