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This is ''The Fighting Independent'', one of switzerland's oldest+coolest newspapers. it was founded on day 2050, and it delivers quality/funny/wild news ever since!

swiss news: swiss CP elections: VOTE FOR HORATIO VAN ARSDALE!!!

6 Dia 4,184, 13:03 Publicado em Switzerland Switzerland Entretenimento e interacções sociais Entretenimento e interacções sociais

Dear friends+citizens of switzerland, hello.

As i see once again the new contestants for the elections of the swiss country president, i say this to you:

VOTE for mr horatio van arsdale, the current CP nominee of the SFP party!

he is:

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swiss news: a very good interview between me+ king simba.

0 Dia 4,174, 10:00 Publicado em Switzerland Switzerland Entretenimento e interacções sociais Entretenimento e interacções sociais

hello my friends, in this article, i shall post down the link of the cool interview that occured between me+ king simba, back when i was still the swiss CP.

here is the link again, for posterity:

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swiss news: help me reach 1000 subs! (rewards inside!)

11 Dia 4,169, 08:30 Publicado em Switzerland Switzerland Entretenimento e interacções sociais Entretenimento e interacções sociais

hello my good friends, i will need your help once again, because my newspaper will NEED 1000 subscriptions in oredr for me to win the fabled ''media mogul'' medal!

so, help me out, because i currently have 102 subs, which means that i will need...

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swiss news: a conclusion about my swiss CP tenure.

6 Dia 4,156, 15:52 Publicado em Switzerland Switzerland Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

Dear friends +citizens of switzerland, hello.

Since my CP tenure ended, i thought that it would be a good idea to note and to mark down what i did during my tenure as the swiss CP:

i was new to this political aspect, but i've listened at

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swiss news: swiss CP elections: VOTE FOR TIM BUCTU!

5 Dia 4,154, 11:48 Publicado em Switzerland Switzerland Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

Dear friends+citizens of switzerland, hello.

While my CP tenure ended, i now see the contestants for the new elections of the swiss country president, and i say this to you:

VOTE for mr tim buctu, the leader of the ''lugangeles'' party!


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