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This is ''The Fighting Independent'', one of switzerland's oldest+coolest newspapers. it was founded on day 2050, and it delivers quality/funny/wild news ever since!

swiss news: the SDP is hijacked.

35 Dia 4,663, 15:09 Publicado em Switzerland Switzerland Entretenimento e interacções sociais Entretenimento e interacções sociais

Dear swiss people and friends, hello.

It is with sadness that i recently saw a horrible thing to happen to one of the oldest parties in e-switzerland, the SDP party:

It was left without a nominee for the party's president position (PP), and as

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swiss news: updates, higher costs+RW's

15 Dia 4,604, 18:06 Publicado em Switzerland Switzerland Entretenimento e interacções sociais Entretenimento e interacções sociais

Dear swiss people and friends, hello.

As day 4,600 approached us, and we now walk in day 4,604 of erepublik, a new update came to the game:

the first part is about the increase in travelling costs (bad update), and the

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swiss news: vote for CP +decisions...

4 Dia 4,581, 14:56 Publicado em Switzerland Switzerland Entretenimento e interacções sociais Entretenimento e interacções sociais

Dear swiss people and friends, hello.

As the great presidency of our CP lviz fer and of his great ministers comes to an end, a new CP election arrives today.

today, we have 2 CP nominees: mr thrakiwths55 from the honorable SFP party,
and tef1

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swiss news: congrats lviz! CP!

13 Dia 4,554, 17:08 Publicado em Switzerland Switzerland Entretenimento e interacções sociais Entretenimento e interacções sociais

Dear swiss people and friends, hello.

In the recent days, a great thing has happened in our small community:
our good friend, lviz fer, a person that the old players of e-switzerland know as a good friend, a trusted veteran and a great player of

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swiss news: tef1's bad actions.

52 Dia 4,540, 18:14 Publicado em Switzerland Switzerland Entretenimento e interacções sociais Entretenimento e interacções sociais

Dear swiss people and friends, hello.

Today, something horrible has happened.
tef1 had invaded the e-swiss chat on discord, and he tried to kick/ban everyone, but i've permabanned him from there, and i've re-invited everyone back to the discord

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