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The Examiner is eArmenia's go-to newspaper, reporting local and international news stories that cares about Armenia and the world. The Examiner is published every day and is with you 24/7 anytime you want, across eArmenia.

The Examiner is 100% owned by the Examiner Media Group. MADE IN eARMENIA!

Anthony Needs Your Votes Right Now! :)

0 Dia 3,150, 15:54 Publicado em Armenia Armenia Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

Please vote for Anthony as your President of eArmenia today so that he can really save eArmenia from an another attack by Iran and to make eArmenia being stronger, safer and secured for many generations to come! 🙂

He Needs Your Votes Starting

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Anthony Needs Your Votes Today!

2 Dia 3,150, 12:15 Publicado em Armenia Armenia Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

Please vote for Anthony as your President of eArmenia today so that he can really save eArmenia from an another attack by Iran and to make eArmenia being stronger, safer and secured for many generations to come! 🙂

He Needs Your Votes Starting

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The ALP and the Examiner Celebrate's America's Independence

0 Dia 3,149, 14:40 Publicado em Armenia Armenia Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

The ALP and the Examiner wishes everybody a safe 4th of July! Let freedom ring on this special day! May the morning sun do bring hope and luck to our mighty nation of America today as we are celebrating 240 years of independence from England. Happy

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eArmenians are Strongly Encouraged to Vote for Him as President Tomorrow! :)

6 Dia 3,148, 05:38 Publicado em Armenia Armenia Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

The ALP's leader, Anthony wants every eArmenian to vote for him as the President of eArmenia tomorrow so that he can rebuild eArmenia, restore and rebuild relations with some of eArmenia's minorities and to make eArmenian stronger, safer and secured

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The Now-Banned AHC has Supported Anthony's Presidential Bid for July

19 Dia 3,145, 14:02 Publicado em Armenia Armenia Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

The ALP's leader, Anthony have announced this afternoon that the now-banned AHC party has supported his bid for the President of eArmenia in July. This comes after the AHC was punished for being a fake political party and that the AFP decided to

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