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eRepublik Maxihellas back in action! by Tall_Niki

81 Dia 1,348, 01:42 Publicado em Greece Greece Entretenimento e interacções sociais Entretenimento e interacções sociais


I am very happy to announce you that eRepublik Maxihellas will be back in action the next fews days!!!! 🙂

3 months ago, eRepublik Maxihellas stopped working, because the … ler mais »

Thank you all for my 9th Medial Mogul Medal!!!!!!!

43 Dia 1,344, 01:37 Publicado em Greece Greece Entretenimento e interacções sociais Entretenimento e interacções sociais

I want to thank you all for subscribing to my newspaper and for my 9th Media Mogul Medal.

I will make my best to continue to provide to eRepublik community interesting articles about the

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EDIT: answer - eRepublik is a game and must remain a game.

98 Dia 1,342, 10:12 Publicado em Greece Greece Entretenimento e interacções sociais Entretenimento e interacções sociais

PLEASE VOTE AND SHOUT answer that I received 3 hours ago with pm


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Τρόπος leitourgias ομάδας Sarissa Warriors

90 Dia 1,340, 01:20 Publicado em Greece Greece Entretenimento e interacções sociais Entretenimento e interacções sociais

*To άρθρο είναι γραμμένο πάνω σε παλιό άρθρο, οπότε τα 35 πρώτα comment είναι άσχετα*

Καταρχήν καλωσήρθατε όλοι στην ομάδα. Σας εύχομαι καλές μάχες 🙂

*** Θέλω να ξέρετε ότι είστε ΟΛΟΙ ΕΥΠΡΟΣΔΕΚΤΟΙ ανεξαρτήτως πόσου χρόνου μπορείτε ν

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EDIT: George Lemnaru answer on Sarissa Warrios Tall_Niki

177 Dia 1,339, 10:47 Publicado em Greece Greece Entretenimento e interacções sociais Entretenimento e interacções sociais


George Lemnaru answer

Your fp was deleted and today we changed the rules: it is not normal to get fp points for showing that sign, no matter the nationality ler mais »