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Would you like a functional Parliament?

54 Dia 2,087, 08:31 Publicado em United Kingdom United Kingdom Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

I'm sitting in my little office here, typing away like it's the end of the world. Bitching back and forth with ACroc, and generally just ler mais »

Parliament...What's happening? What isn't?

89 Dia 2,057, 12:34 Publicado em United Kingdom United Kingdom Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

OK, so I'm in Congress this month, and it's been a bit of a headache so far.

Sven Goran Herp-Derp proposed some stuff about changing how we choose our Speaker, and then didn't show up to vote. All of his proposals failed, by the way. The party

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Pfeiffer's Pfine Pfoods

44 Dia 2,057, 07:02 Publicado em United Kingdom United Kingdom Primeiros passos no eRepublik Primeiros passos no eRepublik

Hello new eUK citizens!!

Having been around a while, I'm fortunate enough to have a bit of a surplus when it comes to my food and tank supplies. That gives me three options:

1. Hoard what I don't need for no reason
2. Sell my surplus … ler mais »

CP Election and people complaining

58 Dia 2,050, 09:49 Publicado em United Kingdom United Kingdom Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

This months Presidential election is decidedly less interesting than the one we witnessed last month.

I mean, Woldy is Woldy, and that always makes for a good time.

This month the field is a bit more...bland. Sambo seems nice enough,

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[UKRP] Woldy for President, and other happenings

24 Dia 2,022, 11:58 Publicado em United Kingdom United Kingdom Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

Sorry for the later publication with this but, as you might have heard, the UKRP has officially endorsed our benevolent King, Mr Woldy, in the coming Presidential ler mais »