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A warm welcome

10 Dia 739, 02:08 Publicado em Serbia Serbia

Hello from Latvia!

eWorld has burst in flames once again. Another massive campaign begun yesterday and some pretty titanic battles took place in Central Europe, accompanied by equally bitter conflicts in Southern America, USA and the
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A warm welcome

3 Dia 739, 02:05 Publicado em Indonesia Indonesia

Hello from Latvia!

eWorld has burst in flames once again. Another massive campaign begun yesterday and some pretty titanic battles took place in Central Europe, accompanied by equally bitter conflicts in Southern America, USA and the
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A warm invitation

3 Dia 739, 02:03 Publicado em Hungary Hungary

Hello from Latvia!

eWorld has burst in flames once again. Another massive campaign begun yesterday and some pretty titanic battles took place in Central Europe, accompanied by equally bitter conflicts in Southern America, USA and the
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Uz ziemeļiem! [papildināts]

20 Dia 738, 01:32 Publicado em Latvia Latvia

Šodien beidzot ir sācies karš, tāpēc visiem vajadzētu lasīt kaujas norādes, apmeklēt NBS lapu utt., lai nebūtu nekādu pārpratumu. Iesaku pēc desmitiem nepārcensties un varbūt palikt rezervē, gaidot tālāku karadarbību. Vismaz es pats tā
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Just a quick thought

6 Dia 732, 14:16 Publicado em Lithuania Lithuania

Hello from Latvia!

As we all have noticed, wargames have stopped and quite a few people in Latvia are really furious about it. Representatives are busy arranging entry in the Malaysian conflict, but it seems that for the following few
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