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Prague News are Czech conservative newspapers since 2008.

One nearly RL history lesson about Czechoslovakia

16 Dia 859, 03:39 Publicado em Czech Republic Czech Republic

Read carefully please whole article, its alegory on RL history of Czechoslovakia and present and possible future of our e-country. Sry for English.

Around 1914 There was one country in where lived many nations. Most important were Czechs, … ler mais »

So what do you want to do with the Czech Republic?

12 Dia 857, 00:34 Publicado em Czech Republic Czech Republic

So currently we have in congress 3 Czech Liberals and 7 citizens from TKOed parties. And president Mossad. There should be real try to get Czech Republic to war. Czech citizenship in last days was free for anyone with any intentions and hundreds

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To Phoenix

14 Dia 856, 06:39 Publicado em Czech Republic Czech Republic

My fellow e-citizens, world and european friends.

When you will understand that we Czechs dont care about your silly alliance wars?
Poles are here to not takover, they are here not to promote EDEN takeover. They are here to support our national

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Idea Československého státu a můj názor

11 Dia 856, 02:34 Publicado em Czech Republic Czech Republic

Sry no English version

Tohle jsem napsal před volbama, které jak víme, jsou nakonec zcela nelegitimní. Nikdy jsem nezažil něco podobného. Volte lidi http://ler mais »

Politics of the Czech Republic

7 Dia 854, 06:02 Publicado em Czech Republic Czech Republic

During my presidency worked some things. I would like to know from experienced users how it worked after my withdrawal. Post here your description, write also your opinions and suggestions.

Following of Czech constitution


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