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Private newspaper, with many topic.
From wars, virtual problems, till politic and humor topics.
Mostly publish on Serbian (Cyrillic), and sometimes translated on English or to language of country where I publish article.

Кратка анализа (са сликама) сваког председника од мог ерођења

31 Dia 835, 17:44 Publicado em Serbia Serbia">

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Who are you ? [EDIT]

61 Dia 834, 16:33 Publicado em India India


Situation is clear: You prove me that I'm wrong about eIndia. People of rl India rules in eIndia. Thank you for helping me to understand
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eHrvatski put na Alpe (iz očiju susjeda)

56 Dia 833, 10:04 Publicado em Croatia Croatia">

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Danska / Denmark [СРБ / ENG]

29 Dia 832, 13:29 Publicado em Serbia Serbia


Поштовани читаоци,

у претходних пар дана најзанимљивиј … ler mais »

ЕДЕН стао, а Феникс се чешља

20 Dia 830, 06:10 Publicado em Serbia Serbia

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In this article i write about Eden passive, and Phoenix reaction. The game becomes a bit boring, and ler mais »