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Rantings of an old man, still trying to get things done. I'd suggest some of my older articles to remember Erepublik's good old days!

[UKRP]Baby I Got What You Need

10 Dia 1,318, 08:17 Publicado em United Kingdom United Kingdom Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

Our goal in the United Kingdom is to constantly look for ways to improve country and community, in every aspect of Erepublik. We will never be satisfied with being the best, we will never stop looking for ways to improve. We shall push on, ler mais »

[UKRP]June Census Changes Part 1

9 Dia 1,317, 07:50 Publicado em United Kingdom United Kingdom Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

Our goal in the United Kingdom is to constantly look for ways to improve country and community, in every aspect of Erepublik. We will never be satisfied with being the best, we will never stop looking for ways to improve. We shall push on, ler mais »

Good, Bad, and Ugly

19 Dia 1,304, 08:16 Publicado em United Kingdom United Kingdom Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos


Today, the Erepublik admins put a rule in that your health will now reset every 6 hours, meaning you can eat 4 times your previous maximum health per day if you happen to log on every six hours. I only know of … ler mais »

[Forrig Affairs]Roads, and the Forks in Them

14 Dia 1,298, 08:06 Publicado em United Kingdom United Kingdom Análises de guerra Análises de guerra

Gentlemen, and Mancs;

As we see yet another path carved out across Western Europe, the UK is once again put in the precarious position of having to choose which friends they want to go to the movies with, and which ones they'll have to … ler mais »

Please....Just Stop

58 Dia 1,297, 15:27 Publicado em United Kingdom United Kingdom Entretenimento e interacções sociais Entretenimento e interacções sociais

In lighter news, thanks for fixing the media module. :3

Erepublik, at its core is a Social game. While the romper's and Alfa's and ScymeX's of the world do a large portion of the damage, in the end, one could argue there's as much power in … ler mais »