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Communication - Skype [ENG/HEB]

18 Dia 2,110, 10:39 Publicado em Israel Israel Entretenimento e interacções sociais Entretenimento e interacções sociais

Communication? Too Easy

Dear Citizens.
In the last time there is more and more articles about our small community.
Our community is small and inactive, but there is around 160 players in our country. To get
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[CP] Summary, News & Answers [ENG/HEB]

36 Dia 2,106, 05:56 Publicado em Israel Israel Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

Dear Israeli Citizens and Foreign Readers
Another week has passed and we have some news and answers for you

I would like to start ler mais »

Interview With The Romanian MoFA [ENG]

37 Dia 2,104, 01:43 Publicado em Israel Israel Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

Interview With The Romanian Minister Of Foreign Affairs

A Couple of days ago i asked the Romanian MoFA some interesting questions which deserve to share. Meet ler mais »

[CP] Weekly Summary, Projects And News [ENG/HEB]

23 Dia 2,099, 02:28 Publicado em Israel Israel Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

Dear Israeli Citizens and Readers.
The Second Week on our Tenure has passed.
In this article i am going to summarize the past week in eIsrael And Inform You About New
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[CP] Weekly Summary [ENG/HEB]

37 Dia 2,092, 06:19 Publicado em Israel Israel Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

Dear Israeli Citizens.
My first week as a president have passed.
Today i am going to summarize the past week in our country.

I started my presidency on ler mais »