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[CP] Monthly Summary

26 Dia 2,203, 09:40 Publicado em Israel Israel Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

Dear citizens & foreign readers,
In today’s article I’m going to summarize the last presidency term.
Feel free to express your thoughts, make a review and post it in
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About RM Factories In Black Friday

26 Dia 2,200, 07:37 Publicado em Israel Israel Negócios financeiros Negócios financeiros

Hello citizens of the new world!
As you might know, tomorrow we "celebrate" Black Friday!
It means that we are going to have many offers and spend gold on them.
Well, before you do it, take a breath and think about your actions.
I would like
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Tools For eRepublik

32 Dia 2,199, 10:40 Publicado em Israel Israel Primeiros passos no eRepublik Primeiros passos no eRepublik

Tools For eRepublik

Dear Readers, Today I am going to introduce some home-made tools for eRepublik.
There are many eRep tools in the web, they are better and more convenient than mine.
However, as a guy that … ler mais »

[CP] About Israel's Wars

27 Dia 2,196, 07:09 Publicado em Israel Israel Ordens de batalha Ordens de batalha

About Israel's Wars

Dear Citizens, many of you asked questions about our wars in the last day.
This article should give you all the needed information about it.

The war with Egypt: Our war against Egypt … ler mais »

[CP] War Update

25 Dia 2,193, 22:34 Publicado em Israel Israel Ordens de batalha Ordens de batalha

Dear Citizens, today we stand with a war against Egypt in Sinai.
The new features of the game provided bonus to small countries under occupation.
Our target is to take back what belongs to us, our regions in Saudi Arabia & Egypt.

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