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Ipsis Verbis - Statistical Information from the eRepublik and other News, word-by-word, number-by-number

[Market Watch] All Countries Markets at Apr 21 Day 1,614 03:00

8 Dia 1,614, 03:22 Publicado em Portugal Portugal Negócios financeiros Negócios financeiros


This Market Watch series has only the top 38 countries of each market ranking displayed plus all the countries regarding the … ler mais »

[Market Watch] All Countries Markets at Apr 20 Day 1,613 03:00

6 Dia 1,613, 03:24 Publicado em Portugal Portugal Negócios financeiros Negócios financeiros


This Market Watch series has only the top 38 countries of each market ranking displayed plus all the countries regarding the … ler mais »

[Market Watch] All Countries Markets at Apr 19 Day 1,612 03:00

9 Dia 1,612, 03:46 Publicado em Portugal Portugal Negócios financeiros Negócios financeiros


This Market Watch series has only the top 38 countries of each market ranking displayed plus all the countries regarding the … ler mais »

[Market Watch] All Countries Markets at Apr 18 Day 1,611 03:30

7 Dia 1,611, 04:07 Publicado em Portugal Portugal Negócios financeiros Negócios financeiros


The 999999 Job Offers are dissipating 🙂

This Market Watch series has only the top 38 countries of each market ranking … ler mais »

[Market Watch] All Countries Markets at Apr 17 Day 1,610 03:00

5 Dia 1,610, 03:34 Publicado em Portugal Portugal Negócios financeiros Negócios financeiros


Today I removed the 9999999 Job offers from the ranking.

This Market Watch series has only the top 38 countries of each … ler mais »