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Changes - Változások

42 Dia 1,186, 04:16 Publicado em Hungary Hungary

The new 'features' experienced so far:
- a 'shout' can be up to 160 characters and can be deleted later.
- you can make comments (up to 480 characters) to others' shouts. Comments can be deleted later by yourself.
- the original poster has an

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[UPDATE] Polish Natural Enemy proposal against USA is rejected

48 Dia 1,183, 22:41 Publicado em Hungary Hungary

This was the proposal of the Polish president.

- Reaction from eIndonesia

- According to some info from Poland, the president … ler mais »

UPDATE: eTurkey has not lost the spirit of Atatürk!

202 Dia 1,182, 04:35 Publicado em Hungary Hungary

UPDATE: According to the announcement of the real Turkish President, the draft of the Greco-Turkish peace treaty was rejected by the Turks. The situation is still not clear as the ler mais »

Suggest a final name for the 'NWO'

416 Dia 1,175, 14:41 Publicado em Hungary Hungary


NWO is a temporary abbreviation - In Hungary, 'temporary' means forty years plus a lot of kerozine to the soil (Soviet troops stationed in Hungary 'temporarily' for 40 years...). If we don't want to use a temporary … ler mais »

Spain moved from EDEN to NWO

114 Dia 1,173, 05:44 Publicado em Hungary Hungary

After Spain's resignation from EDEN membership yesterday, they recently vote about an MPP with Serbia, making the de-facto cooperation to

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