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" know how, when a baby is first born, it just cries at the sheer horror of being alive?"
-Julie (Scott Pilgrim Volume 3)

[GBM] Interparty Relations 101

23 Dia 3,113, 22:03 Publicado em USA USA Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

Sup subscribers. This is a non-party related episode of Goodbye Blue Monday, so strap in subscriber.

Now, some of us you may be wondering why I'm writing. Well, … ler mais »

[Federalist Party] A Congress Carol

5 Dia 3,106, 14:21 Publicado em USA USA Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

Good Morning Comrades. Many of you are probably waiting with bated breath for another issue of Goodbye Blue Monday. Well, the wait is over, the rote propaganda which has … ler mais »

[Feds] Breaking: Federalists Run For Congress

15 Dia 3,047, 07:42 Publicado em USA USA Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

Good morning reader, welcome to another publication of Goodbye Blue Monday, yellow journalism for the refined crowd. As your subscription to Goodbye Blue Monday, [ … ler mais »

[Federalist Party] #Trump2016: Orikfricai4President

7 Dia 2,994, 19:27 Publicado em USA USA Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

Where the f--- did Monday go?

It's just us~

Federalists, Americans, I come bearing good news. First, with the … ler mais »

[Federalist Party] Let's Dance

15 Dia 2,981, 07:50 Publicado em USA USA Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

I, I will be king...

Good morning Federalists, this is Party President, Paul Proteus, with a few announcements. It's been a busy few days, so, … ler mais »