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Interview with current President of eSweden- Meleni

17 Dia 907, 06:03 Publicado em Sweden Sweden

Welcome in a next article in my newspaper. Yours and my guest is the current President of eSweden- Meleni.

[img]http://[/img] … ler mais »

Interview with current President of eCanada- nea milosu [PL|ENG]

11 Dia 905, 09:17 Publicado em Poland Poland


Witam w kolejnym wydaniu mojej gazetki. Państwa oraz moim gościem jest były Premier eRumunii oraz obecny Prezydent eKanady- [url=http://www.erepublik. … ler mais »

Interview with current Prime Minister of eCanada- nea milosu

20 Dia 904, 12:07 Publicado em Canada Canada

Welcome in a next article in my newspaper. Yours and my guest is the current President of eCanada- nea milosu.

[img][/img] … ler mais »

Interview with ex-president of eAustria- Alfred Ball

21 Dia 891, 12:02 Publicado em USA USA

Welcome in a next edition of my newspaper. Yours and my guest is the ex-Minister of Defence and ex-President of Austria- ler mais »

Interview with ex-president of eAustria - Alfred Ball[PL/ENG]

11 Dia 890, 14:35 Publicado em Poland Poland


Witam w kolejnym wydaniu mojej gazetki. Państwa oraz moim gościem jest były Minister Obrony Narodowej oraz były Prezydent Austrii- [url=http://www. … ler mais »