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Newspaper of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, eBelgium

[eBE Congress] Congress Gold Donations

17 Dia 1,140, 07:18 Publicado em Belgium Belgium

Congress Gold Donations

As you may now, there is an old custom in eBelgium, who invite all Congressmembers … ler mais »

[Govt of eBelgium] Citizen.Info is officialy replaced by Belgium.Info

7 Dia 1,138, 10:18 Publicado em Belgium Belgium Entretenimento e interacções sociais Entretenimento e interacções sociais

Citizen . Info is officialy replaced by Belgium . Info

Some months ago, the password from citizen . info have … ler mais »

[MoFA] Bored? Looking for something to do?

1 Dia 973, 22:09 Publicado em Belgium Belgium

Citizens of eBelgium:

Are you bored with your e-life? Do you feel like just another statistic in an overwhelming game of numbers? Are you interested in becoming more involved in the game but don't know where to start?

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[MoSC] Want a Q1 House for 1 BEF?

4 Dia 971, 19:47 Publicado em Belgium Belgium

Hello Citizens of eBelgium,

The Ministry of Home Affairs and the Ministry of State Companies is please to announce the third official Q1 House Auction!

Previous winners:
Kabouter_wesley - Winning Bid 93 BEF
Drennel - Winnig Bid 37

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[MoHA and MoSC] First Report!

0 Dia 971, 19:32 Publicado em Belgium Belgium

This week as Minister of State Companies and Minister of Home Affairs. My team and I have been working on getting everything set up for the following weeks of this month. We have also been adjusting to V2 so it has taken about a week to get

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