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Voormalige Nederlandsch Blad, is hier de Oranje Koerier.

My arrival

16 Dia 2,496, 16:06 Publicado em Ireland Ireland Entretenimento e interacções sociais Entretenimento e interacções sociais

Greetings, Irishman.

My name is Legendardisch, and if you have noticed, I am a new citizen of eIreland looking to get new opportunities.

lets talk about my eLife.
I joined back when eRepublik was still beta, I was eDutch and I

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An important message

13 Dia 2,493, 08:10 Publicado em Netherlands Netherlands Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

Hello citizens of the eNetherlands.
I hereby resign from all my positions, because I am leaving, for real.
Why, because I think that that is good.
Yesterday I made a post, and with it I sunk deep in the ground.
whether true or not, the article … ler mais »

Addressing some folks, oh and GPN has died, for real.

25 Dia 2,492, 10:33 Publicado em Netherlands Netherlands Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

Hello dear friends.
Geuzen Partij Nederland has died.
Its last key person, Zeeuwsmeisje, decided to hide in cowardliness with her treacherous husband, The Admiral.

As we know i tried to revive GPN in a new way, but people are still paranoid as

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vote me vote for restoration

32 Dia 2,490, 08:32 Publicado em Netherlands Netherlands Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

Hello gpn. I returned.
At this moment gpn has gone downhill, i am here to change that.
Its time to restore gpn, so vote for me.

- restoring reputation
- new identity
- and more.
So vote legendardisch

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State your opinion!

54 Dia 2,458, 06:53 Publicado em Netherlands Netherlands Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

Dear Citizens of the eNetherlands.

I want to know your upmost honest opinion on our current situation with ePoland, who after following procedures, is still keeping us wiped under a motto named 'Its for a mission'

I personally believe that its

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