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On the eUS-Polska NAP

54 Dia 2,083, 03:42 Publicado em Serbia Serbia Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

In relation to this:

Some questions...

i) First, WHY do Poland NEED this NAP, they're way > than the eUS, and the alliance they belong to has proven itself exponentialy stronger

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"Education Is a System of Indoctrination of the Young" - Noam Chomsky

14 Dia 2,082, 23:43 Publicado em Serbia Serbia Entretenimento e interacções sociais Entretenimento e interacções sociais


Lyrics to S.A.ler mais »

Closed Resistance Wars

54 Dia 2,077, 14:05 Publicado em Serbia Serbia Análises de guerra Análises de guerra

To be honest I don’t know why I write these things, none of my suggestions are ever implemented, but w/e.

Anyway, this article isn’t going to go into depth on a

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\o/ Alleluia \o/

7 Dia 2,070, 22:27 Publicado em Serbia Serbia Entretenimento e interacções sociais Entretenimento e interacções sociais


I just sniped a BH off a guy who offered to sell me cs to the eUS (when it had 10/10s) [i.e. a couple years back now] … ler mais »

CTRL - Balkanika - TWO: According to the ONE leadership

43 Dia 2,058, 07:03 Publicado em Australia Australia Entretenimento e interacções sociais Entretenimento e interacções sociais

This article is the concluding part of some interviews I did with former leaders of the alliance called ORDER of the NEW E-WORLD, popularly known as ONE.

Part 2 mainly … ler mais »