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Newspaper for the Irish Department of Defence

Second Battle for Belfast - Final Stats

34 Dia 828, 13:41 Publicado em Ireland Ireland

Total damage done : 1075742 - 1554 fighters"> Damage done to keep Northern Ireland Irish : 444370 - 680 fighters

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India - True Friends of Ireland

17 Dia 828, 13:00 Publicado em India India


Thank you for your outstanding support of Ireland! You are true friends!

Ireland is proud to have put up a [url=
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Seal Team 6 and the Eagles Militia - True Friends of Ireland

14 Dia 828, 12:56 Publicado em USA USA">">

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Canada - True Friends of Ireland

16 Dia 828, 12:52 Publicado em Canada Canada


Thank you for your outstanding support of Ireland! You are true friends!

Ireland is proud to have put up a [url=
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Croatia - True Friends of Ireland

25 Dia 828, 12:49 Publicado em Croatia Croatia


Thank you for your outstanding support of Ireland! You are true friends!

Ireland is proud to have put up a [url=http://www.erepublik.
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