The Acacia War; Wrong wrong wrong

Day 1,009, 06:41 Published in Canada Canada by SaraDroz

I know I haven't been that active recently and I am unlikely to become so again. I have ever followed the global events of erep from the shadows, as it were. I also still have various senior contacts in Eden that I still occasionaly chat to on msn and who keep me updated.

I was quite astonished when Acacia decided to invade eUK... I thought the aim was to liberate eIreland?? Well as a distraction I thought it can't hurt... but no, on on it went further into the mire... Frankly this war possibly the single biggest mistake eCanada has made since Derek Harland attacked eFrance. Let me explain why...

The History

After the North Amercan invasion by Peace GC (Phoenix as it is now) eHungary had an important resources base in Heliongjiang (Hello Kitty). After some stalls eUSA crossed into eAsia and liberated Karnataka which had been the resource base of eIndonesia. Then eSerbia did a lenghly swap through eTurkey and eIran etc to eventualy take Lionanang (Lion King),which eUSA had previously returned to eChina. eUSA was not strong enough to fight both these Phoenix giants alone in eAsia and the obvious answer was for an ally to cross over to eAsia and if possible one with MPPs against the Phoenix nations there. eCroatia was the best cadidate but after some close battles and a few mistakes this proved impossible. Instead a direct assault on eHungary was launched and Heliongjiang liberated by resistance war. There remained Lion King and then the final prize... eRussia itself. As you see ePoland has now crossed into eAsia and the wisdom of this long planned strategy is clear.

Global Strategy

Winning the greater war depends on controling more resources than Phonix, thereby depriving them of the means to attack us and basicly stopping them arming themselves. You don't have to a rocket scientist to work out that this means the regions in the north of eChina and southern eRussia are where the real balance of power must lie... Western Sibera is the ultimate region and taking this region will have destroyed alot of Phoenix war capability. eUK on the other hand has 1 high grain region (London). Quite frankly in terms of eworld resources it is a backwater. I read an article a while ago asking what will it take to finish the eUK war. The authors answer was EDEN... was never gonna happen, we've been playing a private agenda. The question that must be asked is why we were fighting in a backwater when our bro's were stomping over eRussia?

The Political Sphere

As a one time eUKer I know John Bartlett whom Acacia has spent so many words insulting. Truth is Bartlett was probably the best hope for eCanada to close the war with eUK, which would have gone a long way to securing our eastern border and perhaps added hope to closing the war with eFrance. Now I don't know if Acacia spoke to them about peace before attacking them... maybe he did. All I know is that Bartlett would have perhaps have had a chance of getting it through it Congress and would have been happy to talk peace. The supreme irony may have been that without knowing Acacia was insulting and attacking eCanadas friend. The question must be asked therefore if the Government explored the peace avenue first? Sadly I doubt they did...

The Economic Cost

Last time I spoke to Acacia I asked how much the war had cost so far. He replied aprox 800 gold. This must have risen well over the 1000g mark by now... What do we get for this? ZILCH and an angry eUK and eFrance! Acacia reports that business has picked up... sure it has but the Government could have spent a quarter of the money they have wasted on eUK on stockpiling for CAF and creating the same 'business buzz'. How long will it take us to replinish our reserves? Who knows...No wonder we are doing a bonds issue. I therefore ask that the accounts be shown to Congress.

The Upside? Military

It is clear now that time zones are essential in V2 war and our military and civilian population have performed superbly. Conversely it is now clear that innitiave is now more important than ever since the attacker choses the time zone. Acacia moans about eUK retreating and then attacking when they win... lol that is how we won! There are alot of lessons for the military to learn from these battles and I suggest combined Divisions should be first and civilian 'home guard' sections second.


"In short, to continue to attacking the United Faildom is to simply hand them our gold for no real good reason." (Acacia Mason). Bit late Acacia!!! It was a waste of money from the start!!! "The fact is, EDEN does not care about the United Faildom... Why did you waste eCanadas gold on worthless regions? "Further to this, in speaking with eCan business owners, stock is depleting, sales are brisk and there is a genuine optimism about business in the country again." Could have done that with a quarter the money and created a stockpile. Finaly we have this ultimate admission of mistake and I quote again "...we are continuously being asked to participate and spearhead more important EDEN operations. Why? cos this war is in reality a total waste of time and gold when we should be deep into eRussia with our bros and allies.

Don't get me wrong, I like Acacia. He is a great self publicist who will be writing lovely articles as he retreats regions later. As a strategist and economist though he has failed 110%. This Acacia War is in fact a classic self publicity promotion based on zero conception of strategy, worth, economy, or future defence. It was never winnable and totaly worthless. We should be way over in Russia with our friends and making peace with eUK and eFrance. Sadly it is likely we shall now fight to save our skin while our friends win the real war. I am sorry Acacia but on your term I must give the Cromwell verdict:

“You have been sat to long here for any good you have been doing. Depart, I say, and let us have done with you. In the name of god, go!.”

Remember my words in future; here lies the end of eCanada.