[EXTRA] Dear Congress...

Day 1,695, 00:41 Published in Japan Japan by ahava3233

Hey all, this is going to be a brief opinion article regarding some congressional matters. I was about to sign off for the night after initiating the Empress Day Voting as MoCH (see here), but there is something else I really have to say here.


The above link goes to a forum vote regarding raising the VAT here in Japan from 20% to 25% on weapons. I have two things to say about this vote.

1. It is completely useless and a waste of time on the forums.
There was absolutely no purpose to holding this vote on the forums. I say this because a congress member should have just used the in-game voting system to initiate a direct vote on the matter, given a forum vote would do nothing to actually execute this legislation (another in-game vote would be required), requisite discussion was already completed on the issue here and congress agreed to bring the proposal to a vote. This is a waste of time on the behalf of congress members and the voting administrator, the speaker. A congress member should start an in-game vote on this matter ASAP.

2. Where is congress?
Additionally, only 6 members (plus 2 after the voting deadline passed now) of our 39 member congress (plus the president) actually bothered to cast their vote on this issue. This clearly reflects on the participation level in congress this month. Congress members, I ask you, if you were voted in this month, please participate in congressional proceedings!

That's all for now folks, stay tuned for future articles. Feel free to subscribe to my personal newspaper, Gougai/号外/Extra. Also feel free to leave a comment, thanks!