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Thank you, allies and friends of eFinland!

17 hari ke 593, 11:18 Diterbitkan di Poland Poland

eFinlands main canditate Erius won the elections and now he is president of eFinland. We got a lot of votes from foreign people. Thanks for our allies! You have saved us, and we'll never forget that. You were here, when we needed you, and again

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Thank you, allies and friends of eFinland!

1 hari ke 593, 11:18 Diterbitkan di Norway Norway

eFinlands main canditate Erius won the elections and now he is president of eFinland. We got a lot of votes from foreign people. Thanks for our allies! You have saved us, and we'll never forget that. You were here, when we needed you, and again

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Thank you, allies and friends of eFinland!

18 hari ke 593, 11:16 Diterbitkan di Canada Canada

eFinlands main canditate Erius won the elections and now he is president of eFinland. We got a lot of votes from foreign people. Thanks for our allies! You have saved us, and we'll never forget that. You were here, when we needed you, and again

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Thank you, allies and friends of eFinland!

5 hari ke 593, 11:15 Diterbitkan di Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina

eFinlands main canditate Erius won the elections and now he is president of eFinland. We got a lot of votes from foreign people. Thanks for our allies! You have saved us, and we'll never forget that. You were here, when we needed you, and again

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Thank you, allies and friends of eFinland!

10 hari ke 593, 11:03 Diterbitkan di USA USA

eFinlands main canditate Erius won the elections and now he is president of eFinland. We got a lot of votes from foreign people. Thanks for our allies! You have saved us, and we'll never forget that. You were here, when we needed you, and again

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