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Formerly the Allied War Report

Day 33 - Hungary Continues to Lose, Serbia to Attack America?

15 hari ke 1,340, 21:20 Diterbitkan di USA USA Analisa perperangan Analisa perperangan

Day 33 -

North America

After a series of rousing victories yesterday, the Americans lost the newly liberated region of North Carolina. Now that the United States is the natural enemy of Hungary (and vice versa), the Hungarians … baca lebih lanjut »

All These Things That I've Done.

33 hari ke 1,340, 14:12 Diterbitkan di USA USA Interaksi sosial dan hiburan Interaksi sosial dan hiburan

I am a dynamic American, often seen traveling to foreign lands merely to have lunch. I have built buildings that have scrapped the sky. I have been known to make wine out of cucumbers. I am motivated, and dedicated.

Occasionally, I run on the

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Day 32 - Hungary Takes Massive Losses!

20 hari ke 1,339, 14:11 Diterbitkan di USA USA Analisa perperangan Analisa perperangan

Day 32 -

North America

The Americans continued their dominance over ONE, via the resistance war. Yesterday, North Carolina returned to the Union, as the United States was able to oust Hungary from the coastal state. This is a very … baca lebih lanjut »

Day 31 - Cyprus Fights Back; America Continues to Win!

11 hari ke 1,338, 18:25 Diterbitkan di USA USA Analisa perperangan Analisa perperangan

Day 31 -

North America

Yesterday, there were Resistance wars in two American regions. The first was in Wyoming, and this was a win for the United States. The addition of Wyoming as a free state, means that the midwestern states … baca lebih lanjut »

Days 23-30 - America Gaining Ground, China Losing Ground!!

20 hari ke 1,337, 15:37 Diterbitkan di USA USA Analisa perperangan Analisa perperangan

Editor’s Note: I’ve been gone for a week, this article will not cover every little thing that happened... please bear with me. Also, this article is super long.

Days 23-30 -

North America

In the past week, America … baca lebih lanjut »