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eFinland is safe. Thanks to our allies!

2 hari ke 594, 05:51 Diterbitkan di USA USA

Greetings, friends and allies of eFinland!

Yesterday in Finland our nation note a hungarian goon as a candidate for presidency. This was a shock to us because we had already thought that we would have normal elections without a threath of … baca lebih lanjut »

eFinland is safe. Thanks to our allies!

9 hari ke 594, 05:50 Diterbitkan di Sweden Sweden

Greetings, friends and allies of eFinland!

Yesterday in Finland our nation note a hungarian goon as a candidate for presidency. This was a shock to us because we had already thought that we would have normal elections without a threath of … baca lebih lanjut »

eFinland is safe. Thanks to our allies!

5 hari ke 594, 05:49 Diterbitkan di Romania Romania

Greetings, friends and allies of eFinland!

Yesterday in Finland our nation note a hungarian goon as a candidate for presidency. This was a shock to us because we had already thought that we would have normal elections without a threath of … baca lebih lanjut »

eFinland is safe. Thanks to our allies!

4 hari ke 594, 05:48 Diterbitkan di Poland Poland

Greetings, friends and allies of eFinland!

Yesterday in Finland our nation note a hungarian goon as a candidate for presidency. This was a shock to us because we had already thought that we would have normal elections without a threath of … baca lebih lanjut »

Pohdintoja: Presidentinvaalit

7 hari ke 589, 19:26 Diterbitkan di Finland Finland

Ottakaa rentoasento tuolillanne ja valmistautukaa lukemaan pitkä teksti, jota myös muuriksi voidaan kutsua. Toivottavasti saatte siitä jotain irtikin. Teksti on kirjoitettu aamuyöstä, joten väsymyksellä voi olla vaikutusta virheisiin ja baca lebih lanjut »