Suasana buka/tutup


164 hari ke 1,475, 10:12 Diterbitkan di Croatia Croatia Interaksi sosial dan hiburan Interaksi sosial dan hiburan

Kao što znate danas smo dobili mini babyboom 🙂 ne ogroman al za našu malu zajednicu itekako dobrodošao.

Dijelim 200 wellnesa svim bebama znači uvijet je da ste Hrvat i da ste ispod lvl-a 25 🙂

ako kruha ostane dobit ce te jos jednu turu od

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Poland is back!

64 hari ke 1,472, 06:25 Diterbitkan di Croatia Croatia Analisa perperangan Analisa perperangan

Poland... why don't you respect your allies and friends??


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No. 23 - One year in eRepublik

6 hari ke 852, 08:53 Diterbitkan di Croatia Croatia

Yesterday was my first birthday in eRepublik! Thank you so much for best wishes! I love you too!


My last article "No. 23 - Heroyix" was deleted by Admin for the second time! Fist time for vulgarity, and the second time for

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No. 22 - Hrvatski velikani

21 hari ke 820, 09:43 Diterbitkan di Croatia Croatia

Pozdrav dječice,

U svom 22. članku Vam donosim listu najjačih eHrvata.


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No. 21 - Testing your eMind

7 hari ke 817, 17:09 Diterbitkan di Croatia Croatia

OK guys lets just take a break from these eRepublik issues and lets play a game. This is a mind testing game and I hope u guys will find it interesting.

The subject line if you are among the 98% or the 2%. You’ll understand what That means after

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