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Rantings of an old man, still trying to get things done. I'd suggest some of my older articles to remember Erepublik's good old days!

A Warm UK Welcome

4 hari ke 339, 12:05 Diterbitkan di United Kingdom United Kingdom

I would like to welcome a good friend of mine to the UK. He's someone I've known over the last several months, and has been very trustworthy and hard working during his tenure here in Erepublik.

His name is Dnouser, and he just moved here from

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The NHS and You - Volunteers Needed

6 hari ke 338, 05:44 Diterbitkan di United Kingdom United Kingdom

So, I'm writing my second article in as many days. That of course isnt counting Aurum or DoT, but who reads those anyway? I know you're all wondering what was SO important that I had to write an article about it, right?

Oh, wait. That's in the

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The Bottom Line of the eUK - New Players Look Here

12 hari ke 337, 12:34 Diterbitkan di United Kingdom United Kingdom


So, for those of you who have graced us, the Erepublik vets with your presence, you may feel rather overwhelmed in the first few days you come into our world. I'd like to say welcome, and that we must all remember:

This is now

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Welcome to V1: Economy Style

6 hari ke 330, 06:08 Diterbitkan di United Kingdom United Kingdom

So, welcome to V1. The World where none of the things we asked as Testers has happened.
For starters, everything is double spaced. For people like me, who tend to "talk" a lot, that will become an issue, but a small one I suppose.
The changes to

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Ministry Update 10/9/2008

4 hari ke 324, 11:00 Diterbitkan di United Kingdom United Kingdom

Just to give an update on what's going on with me and the Department of Trade:

Department of Trade

For those who havent seen, we are having our final Raw Materials update this Saturday, October the 11th. I would ask all GM's intending

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