Suasana buka/tutup

eIsrael Congress

6 hari ke 2,264, 04:47 Diterbitkan di Israel Israel Debat dan analisa politik Debat dan analisa politik

To my fellow eIsrael congress members:

If you did not get breast-fed enough as a child and are looking for some attention now...

Kindly go do it someplace else and not with fooking retarded law proposals.

That is all. You may continue with

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eRep first

17 hari ke 2,089, 19:25 Diterbitkan di Israel Israel Analisa perperangan Analisa perperangan

I just thought I'd share this with the world.

I got BH on one side, and my MUCH OLDER sister got BH on the other side
(yes, I know, I fought for the wrong side)

Keeping it in the family!

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Kosher Whoop-ass

9 hari ke 2,000, 15:35 Diterbitkan di South Africa South Africa Analisa perperangan Analisa perperangan

This is how it's done. Several cans of kosher whoop-ass opened up on eSerbia.
I was just gobsmacked to see those figures.
Well done guys. And thank you for all the help.

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(un)Fair Fights

23 hari ke 1,972, 15:45 Diterbitkan di South Africa South Africa Analisa perperangan Analisa perperangan

I have to lay a complaint with the admin types.
Unfair fights.

Take a look at the pic:

I'm not one of the strongest players by far, but to pit me against a div1 player/multi that is obviously fresh

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Returning home.

8 hari ke 1,937, 17:47 Diterbitkan di South Africa South Africa Debat dan analisa politik Debat dan analisa politik

On my return home from my very extended stay abroad I found some weird things.

I almost took this act serious, but then I realized something wasn't quite right with the bird...


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