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My X

3 hari ke 3,385, 03:56 Diterbitkan di Belgium Belgium Perniagaan kewangan Perniagaan kewangan

The media is dead, long live the media.

The necessary slogan has been said, on to more urgent matters. I'm writing this as myself, as the Commander of Saligia, not as CP.

As I written previously somewhere, I'd like to start recruiting again

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Frontpage issues

5 hari ke 3,381, 08:50 Diterbitkan di Belgium Belgium Interaksi sosial dan hiburan Interaksi sosial dan hiburan

Just an article to show up as the most 'recent' article on the frontpage 🙂

Yours humbly,


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22 hari ke 3,371, 05:19 Diterbitkan di Belgium Belgium Interaksi sosial dan hiburan Interaksi sosial dan hiburan

Time flies when you're having fun, no? A few days too late, but better late then never they say. I'm now just over 2000 days old in the game, a great achievement if you don't count the days I went AWOL of course 🙂

For this minor event I'll give

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The Final Countdown

0 hari ke 3,364, 09:33 Diterbitkan di Belgium Belgium Debat dan analisa politik Debat dan analisa politik

Citizens of eBelgium,

my last article before election day. For all those interested and actually reading this, please do vote, it's the only way you get to decide who becomes CP of eBe for February.

What more can I say? Covered most of what I

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T-2 days

7 hari ke 3,363, 07:57 Diterbitkan di Belgium Belgium Debat dan analisa politik Debat dan analisa politik

Citizens of eBelgium,

2 days from election, tomorrow my last article before voting day, but first this one to read of course.

Beginning of my current term, it was pretty hectic. I acted quickly, sometimes too quickly perhaps. So one of the

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