Suasana buka/tutup


30 hari ke 3,937, 02:45 Diterbitkan di Belgium Belgium Interaksi sosial dan hiburan Interaksi sosial dan hiburan

Hi folks,

it has been a loooooooong time since I have published anything. Shame on me!

Truth said, I don't really know what to write, my mind is currently occupied by matters more urgent than the newspaper.

As this is a personal article, I

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Less, lesser, least

5 hari ke 3,754, 06:53 Diterbitkan di Belgium Belgium Interaksi sosial dan hiburan Interaksi sosial dan hiburan

Fellow eBelgians,

you may, or may not, have not noticed that I no longer appear on any of the leaderboards. Some of you might even have noticed that I am also less visible on the battlefield.

These last 2 weeks I have suffered the visit from a

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Is it ever enough?

8 hari ke 3,702, 23:14 Diterbitkan di Belgium Belgium Perniagaan kewangan Perniagaan kewangan


weren't you happy with the packs I bought to play this game?
Each their own way of playing this game. Mine was fairly simple. Buy CS/WS/PP/MP/BP, earn enough gold for EB promo to keep a break-even every week and have a full recovery from

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No articles of this type were written in the last 7 days.

3 hari ke 3,630, 08:54 Diterbitkan di Belgium Belgium Interaksi sosial dan hiburan Interaksi sosial dan hiburan

Fellow citizens,

the title says it all 🙂

Mayhem has passed, I for one found it interesting. At last the little guys had a shot at a little bit of gold. Most of the complaints came from packbuyers 😉

With some tweaking, game admins might

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Warning! Health hazard!

2 hari ke 3,609, 05:17 Diterbitkan di Belgium Belgium Interaksi sosial dan hiburan Interaksi sosial dan hiburan

Honored citizens of eRepublik, or is it eFarmpublik?

Be carefull playing this game, so many means to get that ePeen very big, nice if you want to win that waving competition but it seems to have a dramatic side effect : the eBalls shrivel away

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