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I have been naughty?

26 hari ke 2,227, 18:51 Diterbitkan di Norway Norway Debat dan analisa politik Debat dan analisa politik

No presents from government? Nothing from Asgard? Leaders do not care for citizens?

Time for change? The NCL!


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[Asgard HQ] Eyes on horizon

5 hari ke 2,218, 11:11 Diterbitkan di Norway Norway Analisa perperangan Analisa perperangan

Original here:

As sun (depressingly) sets 15:30 and everlasting darkness folds Fennoscandia to its embrace, the time to wrap this term … baca lebih lanjut »

[WP] Old players of eNorway! Party of 30+?

30 hari ke 2,215, 15:40 Diterbitkan di Norway Norway Debat dan analisa politik Debat dan analisa politik

Are you familiar with WP of Finland? Are you familiar with age distribution of eNorway? Are you ready for change?

If you are 30+ years old, contact me, and tell me what bothers you and I will consider if this legacy, dead, quiet Communist party

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Moving money around! Comrades on route to capitalism!

3 hari ke 2,200, 14:33 Diterbitkan di Norway Norway Perniagaan kewangan Perniagaan kewangan

If you have extra gold, or need gold, comment on this article!

Tomorrow will be Today we have discounts for training and company upgrades. Let's help our fellow Comrades on their way to becoming new Norwegian heroes!

[img]http://[/img] … baca lebih lanjut »


20 hari ke 2,193, 19:07 Diterbitkan di Norway Norway Debat dan analisa politik Debat dan analisa politik

I will be running for CP of Norway.

I want people to consider this.

I will apply for the next CP of Norway, and although I am known for five … baca lebih lanjut »