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National Values - Ranking Ceremony

34 hari ke 2,329, 03:47 Diterbitkan di Switzerland Switzerland Interaksi sosial dan hiburan Interaksi sosial dan hiburan


By the power invested in me I now pronounce:


with the national award of "Official Swiss Thief"

Dan/naD Wilshire

with the national awards of "Official … baca lebih lanjut »

[INFO] New rewards for the Weekly Challenge + Contracts

3 hari ke 2,317, 04:37 Diterbitkan di Switzerland Switzerland Langkah awal di eRepublik Langkah awal di eRepublik

Hello Switzerland,

Today a new weekly challenge started. As can you see below the rewards are split into two categories, one for the 1st Division and one for the Divisions 2, 3 and 4.


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[International News] Russia's Malefic Plan

17 hari ke 2,316, 03:58 Diterbitkan di Switzerland Switzerland Interaksi sosial dan hiburan Interaksi sosial dan hiburan

Russia's Malefic Plan

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SWITXER-LAND: Days of future past

2 hari ke 2,315, 13:10 Diterbitkan di Switzerland Switzerland Interaksi sosial dan hiburan Interaksi sosial dan hiburan

What's the last thing you remember?
I had a glimpse into the past.

Day 1933

Day 2315

PS: I found … baca lebih lanjut »


8 hari ke 2,310, 03:36 Diterbitkan di Switzerland Switzerland Arahan pertempuran Arahan pertempuran

Fight as hard as you can, consume all FF. Switzerland can gain a lot of gold out of this contest ( as it previously did ). It's a huge income source for us and the … baca lebih lanjut »