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This is the greatest newspaper ever because it is run by its customers.

60 Members!!!!!!!

10 Ден 3,939, 21:52 Објавено во Switzerland Switzerland Друштвени односи и забавен живот Друштвени односи и забавен живот

That is how much members we have. Road to 100. Thank you everyone. Lets Keep TNS great.🙂 And please welcome the new Tef1. More details on Thursday.прочитај повеќе »

Countdown and Programming note

18 Ден 3,939, 11:46 Објавено во Switzerland Switzerland Политички дебати и анализа Политички дебати и анализа

Election day is upon us. It is either going to be a squeaker or a landslide. As a supporter of Tef1, we are hoping for a squeaker. Anyways, TNS will have an unprecedented Pre election day coverage on Monday from 7 AM to 4 PM PST through TPP's

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Interview with Political Scientist

28 Ден 3,937, 18:43 Објавено во Switzerland Switzerland Политички дебати и анализа Политички дебати и анализа

Dear TNS members, we have a great discussion for you today. We have Dr. IT Funky with us for this great talk. As a matter of fact, lets get started. So, here it goes.

Interviewer: Welcome Dr. Funky, Welcome. It is an honor.

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The Clown is dead

9 Ден 3,936, 10:12 Објавено во Switzerland Switzerland Политички дебати и анализа Политички дебати и анализа

It is with the utmost sadness, we inform our subscribers that the clown that we all love has died today the 30th day of August in the year of Harambee 2018 and the formation of TNS, year 1.

The office of the Late Clown has informed us that there

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15 Ден 3,935, 12:26 Објавено во Switzerland Switzerland Политички дебати и анализа Политички дебати и анализа

When you make no promises, there cannot be accountability. So, politicians love this. I mean it makes sense. But, some have moral grounds. Tef1 is such a person.
So, here is what a President Tef1 means for eSwiss.

1. Discord will be fun again.

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