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This is the greatest newspaper ever because it is run by its customers.

Award - the Divider-in-Chief

43 Ден 4,804, 15:17 Објавено во Switzerland Switzerland Политички дебати и анализа Политички дебати и анализа

Dear Patriots,

Tonight, Tef1 is awarding the weekly 200cc to a winner of a contest. Last week, we had an award for the nicest player in eSwitzerland.

The winner returned the CC and asked TNS to use it for a good cause. We thank [url=https://

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Military Unit - Disbanned

40 Ден 4,803, 14:37 Објавено во Switzerland Switzerland Политички дебати и анализа Политички дебати и анализа

Dear Patriots,

Tef1 wishes to tell you that I have disbanded the Military Unit that has done all of you a lot of offense. The mission of the MU was to bring about more democracy and not less.

That said, in light of recent events and as part

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Award - Nicest Player in eRepublik

7 Ден 4,802, 15:13 Објавено во Switzerland Switzerland Политички дебати и анализа Политички дебати и анализа

Dear Patriots,

TNS under the direction of the clown himself (Tef1) will institute an award to deserving citizens in both good and bad categories. Today, we will focus on a good category.

Today we recognize the nicest person in eRepublik.

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Special Thanks to heroes.

13 Ден 4,801, 13:06 Објавено во Switzerland Switzerland Политички дебати и анализа Политички дебати и анализа

My Fellow Citizens,

Patriotism is love of your eNation. Standing ideally by when your eNation is ruined by incompetent, corrupt and failed establishment is not patriotism. It is cowardly.

Yesterday, I led a Civil War to rid our eNation of

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Support the Civil War

44 Ден 4,800, 11:08 Објавено во Switzerland Switzerland Политички дебати и анализа Политички дебати и анализа

Dear Citizens,

support the Civil War

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