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disce quasi semper victurus vive quasi cras moriturus

Vote for Chickensguys

10 Ден 4,367, 20:59 Објавено во USA USA Друштвени односи и забавен живот Друштвени односи и забавен живот

REMEMBER REMEMBER THE 5TH OF NOVEMBER, the day that Chickensguys ran for President!

In preparation for Victory, I have made several important phone calls. I am putting together the greatest team eRepublik has ever seen. Experts from across the

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CG Presidency, the return of a whale & statehood for London

29 Ден 4,365, 21:33 Објавено во USA USA Друштвени односи и забавен живот Друштвени односи и забавен живот

Dear Americans,
I have been called many things, but I am not just a country bumpkin, I am the American zeitgeist, relentless, thick-skinned and determined. Today I announce my Candidacy for the Presidency of the United States.

Now, let me show

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An American Province - Cuba.

17 Ден 4,340, 22:39 Објавено во USA USA Друштвени односи и забавен живот Друштвени односи и забавен живот

For the longest time, people have thought Cuba was a separate nation to the United States. That is Fake News! To all those Cubans occupying the great American Province of Cuba please hand it over. Please stop being thieves. Please quit being pinkos.

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Currency the New Gold, Tokens Rule.

25 Ден 4,272, 12:16 Објавено во USA USA Друштвени односи и забавен живот Друштвени односи и забавен живот

Historically Gold was valuable in eRepublik because it was the only way to participate in certain kinds of markets. Gold could be used to upgrade companies and buy the best raw material companies; Gold could be used to buy event packs, to make a

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Clearly the best choice, CG4CP

20 Ден 4,183, 22:37 Објавено во USA USA Друштвени односи и забавен живот Друштвени односи и забавен живот

Imagine picking up a P.G. Wodehouse book and thinking, I can't read this; I will feel too guilty. I must instead re-read the various ways of piercing the corporate veil. ahh yes, the definition of soul-draining, Welcome to Law School, it's

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