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Ctrl+Alt+Delete Denmark (aka Serbia)

19 Ден 837, 12:32 Објавено во Romania Romania

Suedia a atacat ultima regiune daneza, Hovedstaden. Daca invinge, Danemarca (care este sub control sarbesc) va disparea de pe harta si odata cu ea si o amenintare la adresa EDEN. Trebuie sa castigam, altfel Danemarca va avea initiativa si isi va

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National goals, 3rd edition

21 Ден 835, 09:40 Објавено во Romania Romania

Here it is another statistics of this month’s national goals.
Again, most of the countries have chosen the control of their native regions as one of the goals, and they were more or less successful. As compared to previous month, the GDP and

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V2 economy [Ro/En]

13 Ден 831, 20:24 Објавено во Romania Romania

Toata lumea asteapta cu nerabdare noul modul economic, dar trebuie sa ne si pregatim pentru el. probabil ce amai importnata schimbare va fi aceasta, citez "... a company will need several types of employees who work as a team to create the

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[Politikon] or on Congress elections [EN/RO]

4 Ден 829, 08:42 Објавено во Romania Romania

So, here we are now, the Congress election day had passed, we have hundreds of new congressmen elected, thousands of gold units poured in the game and what? Nothing!

Let’s see how these elections unfol😛

Step 1. Parties are choosing

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Wake up, Phoenix!

43 Ден 827, 16:35 Објавено во Romania Romania

This is a response to this highly rated article. Let's make the response as visible as well !

Wake up, Phoenix!
[img]http:/[/img] … прочитај повеќе »