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Magicienii s-au intors !!!

14 537일 12:40 Romania에 게시 Romania

Va rog sa admirati mareata armata italiana cum loveste numai cu arme Q5 .
Senzational cum isi permit sa loveasca coloneii cu strength de 8 doar cu arme Q5.Incep sa fiu invidios ,eu sunt general si ma lupt cu arme q3 🙂

In caz ca aveati vreun

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Ungaria ataca Chisinaul !!!

1 535일 09:11 Romania에 게시 Romania

OK..pana acum atacau provincii din Ucraina .Erau simpatici .
Dar acum au intrecut masura cu Chisinaul .
Chiar ca nu mai au absolut nicio scuza .Moldova a vrut sa se uneasca cu Romania ,nu au

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[Whining and bitching]Fed up!!!

14 519일 10:21 Romania에 게시 Romania

Aren't you guys feed up with the whining and bitching articles that reach the top in International News ?
Mostly are written in a language roughly similar to English and people just vote them because the topic is whining and bitching .

Admins do

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[Hipocrisy]The puritans gold !!!

24 517일 01:36 Romania에 게시 Romania

Of course ER was bombarded with whining of Peace countries about exploits and gold.
Of course their hands are clean and they afford to point the finger at others .
Of course that is propaganda .Peace used the same exploits to generate gold .Do not

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[Fair Play]Wars

25 516일 06:59 Romania에 게시 Romania

Aren't you feed up about the whining an bitching some people always do in International articles .
The same people that always talk about respect,whine about admins,adminlandia and God knows which other things they write about (really ,you fail to

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