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Ons bloed is groen. Ons harte goud. Wat is jy?

15 2,361일 14:42 South Africa에 게시 South Africa eRepublik 첫 걸음 eRepublik 첫 걸음

I apologise for using my private paper for this, but the UitlandersSmurfs have decided to deny us our national organisation and newspaper because … 확장 »

Freedom Day

21 2,351일 10:47 South Africa에 게시 South Africa eRepublik 첫 걸음 eRepublik 첫 걸음

On this day remember what it means to be free and what it takes to stay free.

[img]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-y0m4RqLY-LI/UXwKjFxWAKI/AAAAAAAAAFs/bM-BBT5iJdQ/[/img] … 확장 »

Surviving Lazogeddon

40 2,319일 16:49 South Africa에 게시 South Africa eRepublik 첫 걸음 eRepublik 첫 걸음

New Tax Regime
The Lazocrat congress members have unilaterally decided to raise ALL taxes to the maximum. There has been no discussion. There has been no reasoning. They … 확장 »

Vote for Independance. Vote IA.

17 2,288일 23:50 South Africa에 게시 South Africa 정치 논쟁 및 분석 정치 논쟁 및 분석

South Africa once again faces a critical election. Do we keep head above water or succumb to foreign forces who want to take our home? Every vote is critical in what promises to … 확장 »

Economic Freedom Mine Initiative

18 2,284일 02:04 South Africa에 게시 South Africa 재정 사업 재정 사업

Anything that allow new players to advance just a little bit fast, involves them in a community and stimulates the local economy has value.

The most effective way to become … 확장 »