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i have one too

jkeller4000, Black Sheep for PP, and for raising the minimum wage!

4 2,606일 13:40 USA에 게시 USA 정치 논쟁 및 분석 정치 논쟁 및 분석

My view is all players should pay their fair share of taxes because they all benefit from the government seeking out and obtaining full resource bonuses!

If i become party president i will adjust the members running for congress to be the ones

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increase profits with foreign workers!

1 2,605일 16:31 USA에 게시 USA 재정 사업 재정 사업

I like previous members of the prestigious crowd notice things in nature and want to use that insight to achieve greater profit! (ok some use nature to acheive a higher understand of nature. example using the fact- light is viewed as moving the same

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looking for producers of q1 weps!

4 2,601일 15:30 USA에 게시 USA 재정 사업 재정 사업

q1 weps are being sold for a loss.

i decided maybe your having trouble selling those q1 weps? Your having difficulty getting rid of those q1 weps your producing?

for a small fee! only 0.25 per q1 wep i will happily dispose of your weps for

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Remember q1 houses make you money! 10 usd a day!

1 2,600일 16:44 USA에 게시 USA 재정 사업 재정 사업

buy q1 house = 285
7 day wage 52*7 = 364
total profit = 79

alright there is tax that must be included!

364*.12=43.68 tax

364-43.68= 320.20

so after tax total weekly proftit of owning and activating a q1 house is 36 usd!

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winter specials 2014

19 2,586일 03:12 USA에 게시 USA eRepublik 첫 걸음 eRepublik 첫 걸음

Winter has arrived to the New World! Starting Day 2,586 until the end of Day 2,596, the following Winter Specials are available:

1. Winter Treats - Receive 1 Winter Treat per 25 defeated enemies

- 1 Winter Treat recovers 50 Energy
- Winter

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