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Hacked by 'SHITHEAD AH'

Bravehearts [personal article not MOD]

27 2,409일 05:18 India에 게시 India 전장 분석 전장 분석

hi guys,

Lots of guys have been voicing their opinion against the gov. some have been constructive, which is much appreciative, but most have just plain critical with vague, brave and patriotic ideas.

here is a chance to show your mettle. let

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Daily Orders[day 2408] Fight for India [revised 11:11]

2 2,408일 03:35 India에 게시 India 전투 명령(BO) 전투 명령(BO)

i will keep revising at as frequently as i log in

Priority 1

For India

Priority 2

For Bulgaria

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Regiment 1 IAF

11 2,406일 05:04 India에 게시 India 전장 분석 전장 분석

All active fighters, please comment below for invitation to regiment 1 of IAF. minimum requirement of earning 1000 PP next week.

if any player has not fought for last 1 week, i am kicking him from reg 1 of the MU. please message me in case ur

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Ministry of Defense

18 2,398일 22:02 India에 게시 India 정치 논쟁 및 분석 정치 논쟁 및 분석

hi everyone,
this is a brief opinion poll. all i want is your preferred time for starting a training RW. vote for the most preferred time below (vote where i have posted the time)



PS yes u can vote for more than one

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Ministry of Defense[ONLY EINDIANS]

9 2,394일 03:04 India에 게시 India 전투 명령(BO) 전투 명령(BO)

the first target is out


hit as best u can(no need to use EB right now)

hopefully put links of important ally battles here.



PS sorry right now too hot to use MOD newspaper, will do as soon as i cool down 😛

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