ფონის ჩართვა/გამორთვა

ჩემი გაზეთის შესახებ

ვიკიპედიის გახსნა


Day 1242

5 დღე 1,242, 16:16 გამოქვეყნდა USA-ში USA ომის ანალიზი ომის ანალიზი

Serbia is about to attack Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Brazil is about to attack Spain. Go forth brethren.

Mexico is about to attack the US. >.> <.>

Us holding at 39. Time to push back.

მეტის ნახვა »

Day 1241

7 დღე 1,241, 16:53 გამოქვეყნდა USA-ში USA ომის ანალიზი ომის ანალიზი

Bosnia down to 2 regions, soon to be one.

Spain is about to attack Brazil.

Spain is about to attack the US.

Romania is down to one again.

Us is down to 39.


Such is life in an

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Day 1240

10 დღე 1,240, 16:53 გამოქვეყნდა USA-ში USA ომის ანალიზი ომის ანალიზი

Day 1240

California ^capital 42 regions. I remember having like 57-60 at one time.
So, the eUS is under seige for real now. ONE is poised to keep rolling until EDEN/Terra finish getting organized.

Looks like Bosnia will be gone

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Day 1239.

9 დღე 1,239, 20:26 გამოქვეყნდა USA-ში USA

Mexico is about to attack the US.

Spain is about to attack the US.

Spain is about to attack France.

Spain is about to attack Brazil.

Poland is about to attack France.

I think that pretty much sums it up.



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Good Morning, Day 1238

3 დღე 1,238, 07:16 გამოქვეყნდა USA-ში USA

Brazil seems to be stalling the ONE effort to wipe them out.

Bulgaria needs your help. She is at six regions and being ganged pretty harshly.

France is trying to stall the ONE effort as well.

Basically, ONE is running Europe with a big

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