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i have one too

what should the price of gold be?

5 Giorno 2,013, 08:45 Pubblicato in USA USA Finanza Finanza

well, the only really comparision i know if is the raw production buildings. maybe there is another way that a person can compare gold to CC but i am not sure.

3000 cc for 70 raw food a day fruit orchard
10 gold for 125 raw food a day

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Referral bonus?

2 Giorno 2,013, 08:09 Pubblicato in USA USA Finanza Finanza

i was wondering is it legal. or has anyone done this?

using google ad words to post the erepublik banner on websites to get a bunch of referrals?

or does this not pay return the amount of gold a person would have received from buying gold?

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support the resistance war in baja!

5 Giorno 2,013, 08:01 Pubblicato in USA USA Ordini di guerra Ordini di guerra

the bajaians! need our help! let them be free of the cruel eUSA rule!

We need an active war at all times to keep factories profitable!

please support the war!

move and support the resistance war!

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tomorrow will raw prices be .03 or will wep prices be 9.45

2 Giorno 2,005, 09:05 Pubblicato in USA USA Finanza Finanza

will the war last long enough to use 15000 weps plus any that are made? or is the war over with?

I was watching the production of wep raw materials. because the price hit .04 it became profitable to hire workers and produce raw weps and sell raw

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auto log out, need to stop it! how?

2 Giorno 2,004, 10:25 Pubblicato in USA USA Primi passi in eRepublik Primi passi in eRepublik

no idle time out, no auto log out!!

i hate writting articles or comments that require the little bit of thought. then bam 5 mins later i hit the submit button and what i wrote is gone 🙁

i got to re log in and re type my thoughts.


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