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i have one too

how are you making money?

8 Giorno 2,045, 15:00 Pubblicato in USA USA Finanza Finanza

I am just wondering what people are currently doing to make money?

I really haven't found any good low risk investment ideas. i know i am really risk adverse.

i tried the buy weps and sell them for a profit. however the prices have not gone

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Import Tax: Why Free Trade does not work in eRep

4 Giorno 2,037, 09:33 Pubblicato in USA USA Finanza Finanza

coppied this article http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/import-tax-why-free-trade-does-not-work-in-erep-1085250/1/20


Unlike real life, free trade does not work in eRep.

Let me first run through how import tax and free trade works in

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The problem of having two Monetary Markets

6 Giorno 2,031, 10:22 Pubblicato in USA USA Finanza Finanza

so i think i figured out where all the usd are going 🙂

the monatary market. it blows my mind the amount of offers on there.

the idea. sell 2000 usd for 10 gold. sell 10 gold for 2262 usd. profit 226 usd. and can do that an unlimited

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I need more money!

7 Giorno 2,029, 10:09 Pubblicato in USA USA Finanza Finanza

eventually i will be able to store enough weps for war time. but currently i spent all my money and onyl have about 1 thousand of each wep 🙁 most weps i am trying to only get a 10% profit for holding them until war time. I have not really done

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22 Giorno 2,027, 09:51 Pubblicato in USA USA Finanza Finanza

i decided to give 10 percent of my profits from this war away.
i made about 3000 so i am going to donate 300 to the person who posts the 10th comment.

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