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Anti-cheating project updates

266 Giorno 919, 08:48 Pubblicato in

Dear citizens,

Starting last week, the new anti-cheating system is active. As a direct consequence of this project, from now on we will reward the quality and not the brute quantity. As the time will pass, the benefits for the community will

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Anti-cheating project

1046 Giorno 905, 04:34 Pubblicato in

Dear citizens,

A few days ago, we announced on the forum that we are going to turn eRepublik into a much more fair game, not only by making sure that cheaters have a short life, but also preventing the cheating at all. The complaints were related

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The battle for Heilongjiang

2637 Giorno 891, 05:54 Pubblicato in

Dear citizens,

The last Insider showed how we live historical moments. Every once in a while we have in eRepublik a battle which is powerful enough to re-write the history … leggi di più »

Clash of the Alliances

277 Giorno 888, 09:43 Pubblicato in

Dear citizens,

We look to the choked fires all over the New World and still couldn't believe the epic clash which took place in the last week-end. We are living … leggi di più »

[New Economic and Military modules]. Closing overview

317 Giorno 884, 05:09 Pubblicato in

You can also read this Insider posted in forum here.

Dear citizens,

We have reached the end of our journey through the new economic and military modules. This Insider is a closing overview, bringing together most

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