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[PaPP] Update

6 Giorno 2,300, 01:52 Pubblicato in Australia Australia Dibattito politico Dibattito politico

G'day eAustralia, here is today's daily update.


Thus far we have 20g towards our 75g goal. All that gold goes directly to helping new players

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PaPP Initiatives and Goals.

17 Giorno 2,298, 00:45 Pubblicato in Australia Australia Dibattito politico Dibattito politico

Welcome eAustralia, the PaPP has start with a bit of controversy to the say the least, however I am encouraged by some of the messages I received and some of the posts defending my decision.


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Introducing the Procreate and Populate Party

27 Giorno 2,297, 03:01 Pubblicato in Australia Australia Dibattito politico Dibattito politico

Good evening eAustralia, today I bring to you a new party. To many eAustralians this name is part of a nostalgic past, to some you may have heard of the ‘PaPP’ in passing. But on this … leggi di più »

There is no point in retiring in eRepublik. It's just semantics.

55 Giorno 2,289, 18:33 Pubblicato in Australia Australia Svago Svago

Welcome eAustralia,

This issue is something that has been on my mind for a numbers of years but I have never gotten around to it till now. The concept of "retiring" or "stepping aside for a newer generation" is possibly the most vapid thing you

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37 Giorno 2,284, 02:34 Pubblicato in Australia Australia Svago Svago

Welcome eAustralia,

After a long absence I have decided to come back to you in a semi-active state, with the possibility of that turning active.

Now that I am back sort of, I'm going to catch up on what I have missed and all that stuff.

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