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Good faith

11 Giorno 2,022, 13:54 Pubblicato in USA USA Dibattito politico Dibattito politico

Busy week, busy week.

Unity has exploded. I'm not going to give you the links; just check the media. It's everywhere. And if you're unaware of that, lift the rock from over your head and get out … leggi di più »

Endorkment Extremis; or Why I Like Paul

11 Giorno 2,018, 20:07 Pubblicato in USA USA Dibattito politico Dibattito politico

Quick bits:
~The tallies are in and "Emerick's Butt" won, but I'm not going to use that as the paper name because "Hooker Kisses Delight" just appeals to me

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New Newspaper Title

30 Giorno 2,015, 14:01 Pubblicato in USA USA Svago Svago

The person who posts in the comments with a new title and gets the most votes for their suggest title gets 2 gold.



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Mutatis Mutandis - A prelude

13 Giorno 2,014, 11:03 Pubblicato in USA USA Svago Svago

To CivilAnarchy, I apologize. It seems my rise to your challenge will have to wait. But I want you to know that I did read your comments in their

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From Fire, Fame: Why Unity Must End

30 Giorno 2,010, 12:57 Pubblicato in USA USA Dibattito politico Dibattito politico

Kick out the jams.

This will not be pleasant. This will not have pictures. Get over it.

Our potential is stifled, our competitive spirit is dying, and we … leggi di più »