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eEconomy, world conflicts and perhaps the occational comic. That's what this paper is about.

[President] A close but dissapointing loss and Estonians are incoming...

34 Hari ke 1,173, 09:46 Diterbitkan di Sweden Sweden

Yesterday we fought an interesting battle against Lithuania. After having taken the lead with 4-0 during the night, Lithuanians started to hire mercenaries and burn gold.

They did it well and although we did what we could, with no where … lebih lanjut »

[President] Time for some action...

61 Hari ke 1,170, 17:40 Diterbitkan di Sweden Sweden

Yesterday, I was about to release an extensive article explaining what's been going on lately and what the status is within the various departments. However, tonight, I decided to declare Lithuania as our Natural Enemy instead.

[img]http://[/img] … lebih lanjut »

[President] Important changes - we'll soon get new borders!

24 Hari ke 1,150, 02:24 Diterbitkan di Sweden Sweden

Admins recently confirmed in this forum post that three new countries will be added, but more importantly (for us) they have also lebih lanjut »

[President] The Swedish Government

21 Hari ke 1,144, 19:33 Diterbitkan di Sweden Sweden

This announcement is 1-2 days overdue. For that, I apologize.
Now... let's get down to business, shall we?

President - Valnad
Vice President - pafepo
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[President] The V-day

30 Hari ke 1,141, 17:37 Diterbitkan di Sweden Sweden

Honorable citizens of Homonavia, I come to you today with a proposal.

I have now been your president since 5th november last year. After two rather … lebih lanjut »