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MoSS- Minister of SpiceS

9 Hari ke 1,934, 10:49 Diterbitkan di United Kingdom United Kingdom Analisis dan debat politik Analisis dan debat politik

Why hello there.

This month is going to be interesting I can’t reveal all my plans just yet but let’s begin with my new role as Minister of SpiceS or MoSS for short.


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Why NO to CHAZ

11 Hari ke 1,930, 10:23 Diterbitkan di United Kingdom United Kingdom Analisis dan debat politik Analisis dan debat politik

I’d like to start out with a testimonial from Horice the leader of spamicans;

‘Well, er, yes Mr. mwcerberus, I agree, you see I have a report here that says
to be a good eUK politician you need to be an extremely dull person. You see,

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Say no to Chaz for PM

15 Hari ke 1,928, 09:29 Diterbitkan di United Kingdom United Kingdom Analisis dan debat politik Analisis dan debat politik

Hello everyone I’m mwcerberus and I have made it my goal this election season to stop captain chaz beard from becoming PM, yes that lovable rogue who wishes to bring fun to the eUK but couldn’t organize a piss up in a brewery.

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[MoRB] – On The Button News

18 Hari ke 1,916, 15:15 Diterbitkan di United Kingdom United Kingdom Analisis pertempuran Analisis pertempuran

Ok as your minister of red button I’m in a position of responsibility which makes what I’m about to tell you very difficult indeed last night around 4am the button was depressed…

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Jokes edition 1

8 Hari ke 1,913, 09:52 Diterbitkan di United Kingdom United Kingdom Interaksi sosial dan hiburan Interaksi sosial dan hiburan

JOKES edition 1
Well welcome to this new article this one contains the funniest stuff I could lay my mitts upon but first a Valentine’s Day special poem.
Roses are red.
My mind is twisted.
Bend over baby.
You’re about to be fisted.

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