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You are looking at the newspaper of Max Blue; social and political reformer, businessman and snappy dresser. I write articles for the global community and proUK articles.

Hai Argentina

37 Hari ke 808, 02:24 Diterbitkan di Argentina Argentina

UK <3 Argentina


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[IRE] Small is not bad!

23 Hari ke 803, 07:09 Diterbitkan di Ireland Ireland

I have been troubled by the recent media in Ireland.

I have read Edana Savage's article and I have read [url=
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Liberation in Europe

23 Hari ke 802, 07:49 Diterbitkan di United Kingdom United Kingdom

Here in Europe war has been raging and most people have been involved at some point or other. Here is your guide to what Europe looks like on Day 802 and a little bit on why.


[img]http://i45.[/img] … lebih lanjut »

Poland burned by the Phoenix

21 Hari ke 794, 08:43 Diterbitkan di United Kingdom United Kingdom

Yesterday Poland was set back by 13 resistance wars. Germany had no regions last night. Today if you have looked, you will have seen Germany on the world map again.

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Kreuziger for London Congress - Supported by UKs finest

27 Hari ke 794, 01:22 Diterbitkan di United Kingdom United Kingdom

This next article is brought to you by UK's finest, but is written by Kreuziger. I am not running for congress this term as I have join Special Forces full time, and after talking with my friend here he agreed to run. Over to you Kreuziger..lebih lanjut »