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|Victqr| A letter from New Zealand Green Party

4 Hari ke 1,950, 13:48 Diterbitkan di New Zealand New Zealand Analisis dan debat politik Analisis dan debat politik

Dear new eNZ citzens, our New Zealand Green Party invite you to formate a new party, a party when the new generation is respected, a party for everyone, a party who can

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|Victqr| NZ, are you ready to fight hard for gold?

16 Hari ke 1,949, 07:17 Diterbitkan di New Zealand New Zealand Interaksi sosial dan hiburan Interaksi sosial dan hiburan

Hy NZ|

A lot of you know already what is a gold mine, no? So , you need to know but NZ have a good oportunity to win Jack-Pot!

Now is time to NZ governament to accord CS^s to people ready to make a good damage(damage4). Australia have

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|Victqr| Hy New Zeeland!

8 Hari ke 1,939, 07:09 Diterbitkan di New Zealand New Zealand Interaksi sosial dan hiburan Interaksi sosial dan hiburan

Hy New Zeeland !

I am happy to write this article in you beutiful country and wish to know a lot of friendly people here.

My nick is Victqr and i am from Republik of … lebih lanjut »

|eMD-eMkd|Good relations = Good result

4 Hari ke 1,910, 06:59 Diterbitkan di North Macedonia North Macedonia Analisis dan debat politik Analisis dan debat politik

Hi all!
I am very pleased and honored to write this article from posture Moldovan ambassador to Macedonia.
One thing is clear: Our people were friends, are friends and … lebih lanjut »

|Victqr| Delta Force Macedonia

15 Hari ke 1,901, 15:18 Diterbitkan di North Macedonia North Macedonia Interaksi sosial dan hiburan Interaksi sosial dan hiburan

Hy Macedonian friends!

I am Victqr and i am from Republic of Moldova , currently Moldova is a CoT member and a good friend of Macedonia. In Republik of Moldova i was ex-CP(x2), ex-CM(x13) and some times

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